Deeper dive in MPTK

Explore internal parameters of the MIDI Sequencer and the MIDI Synth.

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Enable debug features

Some MPTK debug functions can be activated with scripting define symbols. You can define these symbols in Unity menu Edit / Project Settings … and Player tab. Don’t forget to click on button apply when modifying the symbols, that will compiling the C# scripts and unlock debug features.

Unity menu Edit / Project Settings …

Warning: enabling these debug functions will consume more CPU and memory. Remove them when you want to publish a version of your app.


Calculate time for the MIDI sequencer execution.

  • StatDeltaThreadMidiMS: perhaps, the most important information, it’s the time between two call of the MIDI sequencer. Measure the time accuracy of the music. Calculate also StatDeltaThreadMidiMIN, StatDeltaThreadMidiMAX, StatDeltaThreadMidiMA (average). A value of 10 ms is very good, above 30 ms you might notice some rhyme variations.
  • StatReadMidiMS: time to read a group of MIDI event (same ticks). In general very low.
  • StatProcessMidiMS: time to process the group of events. For example: to create each note-on voice and initialize synthesizer parameters.
  • StatDeltaTimeMidi




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Maestro MPTK on ChatGPT!

From various MPTK documentation sources, @DarkSky42 has created a custom LLM based on ChatGPT. You can now ask all the questions you want and get a good level of answer: request code example, verify your source code, explain the MPTK demo …


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