*** Under construction *** Enable debug features Maestro MPTK is a sophisticated application: real-time music playback requires significant optimization and intricate algorithms. We utilize specific functions to assist us during the testing phase. However, you can also utilize these features. Read more…
When Maestro MPTK load a MIDI from the MIDI db or from an external file (web or local), all the setting of the MIDI player (prefab MidiFilePlayer or MidiExternalPlay) are set to the default values found in the MIDI. This Read more…
Creating a game or an application in Unity that involves MIDI, such as a rhythm game or tutorial, often requires knowing the real-time value of each note. This post can be a valuable resource. Be sure to read the chapter Read more…
This feature allow you to create an MPTK runtime without including a SoundFont at start. An enhanced API will facilitate downloading, caching, and loading a SoundFont while your application is running. The first benefit is providing a smaller application to Read more…
Loading and unloading scene in Unity is a good method to structure your application especially for a complex one. If you are not aware of the technical aspect for loading Unity scene, I encourage you to read this excellent article. Read more…
One advantage of Maestro is its ability to play music without the need for scripting, simply by incorporating prefabs into your hierarchy using the Unity editor. However, there are occasions when you may prefer to utilize the Maestro prefab solely Read more…
Before updating, check that you are using a Unity version 2021.3 LTS or newer. Maestro has been tested with the Unity 2022 and Unity 6 tests are in progress. Obviously if you have never downloaded Maestro from the Unity store, Read more…
The main difficulties with Unity and generated music is the precision and accuracy in time of each notes. Human are able to distinguish delay between sound until 20 ms, below we hear only one sound. It’s obvious that accuracy in Read more…
I thought that was not possible and she do it : a modular synthesizer that runs in a web browser. Look and listen here: https://z.musictools.live/ More information here with her blog. Could be the perfect counterpart of Midi Player Tool Read more…
Within a SoundFont, sounds can be mutually exclusive: for example, a ‘closed hihat’ sound will terminate an ‘open hihat’ sound ringing at the same time. This behavior is modeled in SoundFont using ‘exclusive classes’: turning on a sound with an Read more…