Category: Uncategorized

Timing in music is very important. So MIDI files include a number of parameters related to keeping time. A lot of information here has been extracted from Look also at this post to understand how get a verify good Read more…

Timing accuracy MIDI Sequencer and Audio Synthesizer run in separate system threads, not in the Unity thread, consequently playing music has no impact on your game or application timing. You can modify Unity Audio Parameters from the MPTK prefab. So, Read more…

This video is a comparison of three Midi files playing in V1 and V2. For the first one (Adagio) the difference is not so obvious, but for the two others, it’s clear!

MPTK is operational on Windows, Mac OS, IOs and Android. Warning: with Mac M1 and M2 architecture, in some case the DSP buffer length is not a multiple of 64: no sound will be produced or error will be displayed. Read more…

See below the change with the V2: New Midi Synthesizer based on the excellent fluidsynth project. Code has been converted from C to C# and, of course adapted to Unity. New class MidiLoad. Useful to load and process all the Read more…

Get MPTK from the Unity store

If you like Midi Player Tool Kit, please leave a review on the Asset Store. It’s very appreciated!!!

Maestro MPTK on ChatGPT!

From various MPTK documentation sources, @DarkSky42 has created a custom LLM based on ChatGPT. You can now ask all the questions you want and get a good level of answer: request code example, verify your source code, explain the MPTK demo …


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