Category: Application

The MPTK Pro version comes without any SoundFont, sample or MIDI files. The reasons are : Get a small package to speed up the update process. Don’t interfere with your project. Let you make your best choice! If you really Read more…

Play multiple Midi files depending the distance with the Listener Generate music on fly, thank to the MidiStreamPlayer Change Sounfonts on fly (Pro version) Add and Optimize Soundfonts (Pro version)

Audio Source Template MidiFilePlayer and MidiStreamPlayer gameobject contains an AudioSource template. This audio source is used as a template to play each sounds in your Midi File Player. An AudioSource is instantiated when there is the need to play a Read more…

Get MPTK from the Unity store

If you like Midi Player Tool Kit, please leave a review on the Asset Store. It’s very appreciated!!!

Maestro MPTK on ChatGPT!

From various MPTK documentation sources, @DarkSky42 has created a custom LLM based on ChatGPT. You can now ask all the questions you want and get a good level of answer: request code example, verify your source code, explain the MPTK demo …


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