MPTK is operational on Windows, Mac OS, IOs and Android.
Warning: with Mac M1 and M2 architecture, in some case the DSP buffer length is not a multiple of 64: no sound will be produced or error will be displayed. Try to change the ‘DSP Buffer Size’ in the Unity Editor menu ‘Edit / Project Settings / Audio’.
A dedicated Maestro error log message will be displayed with the next version.
- WebGL compatibility:
- Only with non core MIDI player (see bellow).
- Also, partial looped samples are not well processed by WebGL, perfect for drum kit, but quite limited!
- Jun 2023: A good news, a Unity issue has been open and is now fixed in Unity 2023. Thanks to your vote!
- A good refresh and check of Maestro WebGL will be done soon.
- Other functions like reading/writing midi events work correctly.
- The MIDI sequencer is able to play only in the non core mode (see MidiPlayer/MidiStream prefab inspector)
- The plugins MidiKeyboard is not available with WebGL, but Web MIDI API could be your friend (not tested with Maestro) !
- iOS and Android recommendations
- Test is OK on iPhone 7 and 8
- Changing Synth rate is now available for iOS devices (with version 2.88.3). It seems that the sound devices does not like changing the default synth rate: 24 kHz by default.
- Use a recent Unity version (last tested on 2022.1). Follow this Unity tuto. If possible, use JDK/SDK/NDK/Gradle deployed with Unity.
- Tested with these API:
- Android 5.0 and 9.0API Level 21 and 28.NET 4.x mono also checked with success with IL2CPP
- The plugins MidiKeyboard is not available with Android and IOs. But a pull requests for Android branches exists in MidiJack. Thank Ming for the information!